The JOUR50 midterm exam will be held at the usual class time on Wednesday, October 16The exam will run from 10:30 to 11:45 a.m.  You will have the entire class period to complete the exam, though you may not need that long. The exam will consist of three parts -- multiple choice, identifications, and short answers.  You only need to bring a pen or pencil (preferably two in case one fails).  You will write answers directly on to the exam sheet. 

You are responsible for Navigating the News, Intro and Chapters 1-7, and all material covered in lecture.

Points stressed both in lecture and readings are generally more likely to appear on the exam than those mentioned only in readings. Points only from lecture probably fall somewhere in the middle.

There will be 100 points total on the exam, which will be divided among three parts. Multiple choice (20 points -- you will be given 12 questions to choose from and will answer 10); identifications (30 points -- again, you will be given 12 questions to choose from and will answer 10 by filling in the blank in each question) and short answer (50 points -- you will be given six questions to choose from and will answer five). Short answers should run about four to six sentences in length, though this will vary from question to question. 

Below are some example questions of each type. Their presence does not necessarily mean they will or will not be on the exam; they are intended only as examples.

I. Multiple Choice: (Choose only one unless otherwise noted):

1. In class we discussed a list of things journalists shoud never do, called the "10 ___________ of News."
        a. No-Nos
        b. Transgressions
        c. Crimes
        d. Commandments
        e. none of the above.

2. As discussed in class, the "__________ of a news story" refers to the process it goes through from the first idea to final publication or airing.
        a. flowering
        b. realization
        c. gestation
        d. creation
        e. none of the above

3. According to Chapter 6 of the book, programs such as Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid are often called
        a. privileges
        b. entitlements
        c. handouts
        d. benefits
        e. none of the above.

II. Identifications:
(Fill in each blank space with a word or phrase.)

1. According to the book and class discussion, a vital part of news reporting involves ___________ checking.

2. One role journalists and media outlets can play is _______________, publishing material fighting for public interest over private gain.

3. According to class discussion, a state university would be considered part of the  ___________ sector in American society.

III. Short Answer: (Space will be provided to write answers.)

1. Using an example covered in class (your choice), discuss how and why one news outlet's coverage of an event can differ dramatically from another outlet's coverage of the same event. 

2. Do you believe it's important to read news coverage that disagrees with your point of view?  Why or why not?  Please back up your statements with examples from the text and lectures.

3. Provide an example of a scandalous news story (your choice) that you think should have been covered differently.  Please discuss the approach you believe reporters should have used, and how it differs from coverage you've seen.


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