Journalism 133: Prof. Craig: Editing Checklist
Editing Checklist
Both reporters and editors are responsible for the accuracy of the information in their publications. Below is a checklist for editors to follow, adapted from Steve Buttry's list for reporters and editors.
Final Checks Before Submission
- Numbers & math (have someone check your math)
- Names (check vs. notes and one other source)
- Titles (people, books etc.)
- Locations
- Compare quotes to notes/recording/transcript
- Check attribution (insert link if from the web)
- Definitions
- Verify URLs (check them and whether cited content is still there)
- Public phone numbers (call them)
- Spelling & grammar
- Spellchecker errors
- Have you assumed anything? (If so, verify, hedge or remove)
- If you have any doubts, recheck with the original source.
- Where your understanding is weak, read the final copy to someone who does understand.