Journalism 133: Prof. Craig: Final Project

Final Project

The final project assignment involves writing and editing a 1000-word (or more) main story and 500-word (or more) sidebar story about the general topic your group has been assigned below.  It's up to you and your group partner to narrow the subject down to story and sidebar topics that will be effective.

It is due on the last day of class (Monday, December 6) and will count for 25 percent of your class grade.  

You have been randomly paired off into groups (except one group of three), and should use the remaining class time today to determine what subject you want to write about and possible subtopics for the sidebar story.  You can get together by Zoom, phone or whatever works for you.  I can provide an email address for your partner if needed.

For this project, there is no assigned editor and reporter -- divide the labor however you see fit.  However, the final story should be edited to make it as clean as possible before submission.  As with previous projects, each group will receive a single grade.    

Within your group, please put together a story plan you can collectively discuss in class next Monday.  This should include:

You and your group partner will report on this story, with a minimum of four interviews (with actual people, not quoted from websites or otherwise secondhand) across the story and sidebar.  You will edit each other's written material so the finished product has had input from both of you.  You should aim to divide up tasks and put your initial story material together several days before the due date, then exchange material for editing.  

When done, you will fill out the Group Activities Form to let me know what tasks each group member performed. 

Groups and general topics for final project:

Group # Student Names General Topic
1 Jennifer Schildge
Derrick Ow
SJSU/CSU budget
2 Samantha Dietz
Allison Kruse
Gio Gaxiola
SJSU student expectations moving forward
3 Travis Wynn
Jonathon Schaffer
SJSU students' opinions of professors
4 Aidan Bostic
Ricardo Garcia
SJSU and public transit
5 Julia Coty
Chris Nguyen
SJSU students and jobs
6 Jacqueline Vela
Madi Medina
SJSU preparations for spring semester
7 Evan Reinhardt
Jonathan Guzman
SJSU on-campus housing and activities



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